Shark Expert SA Training Course - Price: 150€/150$ donation
This course will be done from the Mares Ambassadiver and Master Instructor PADI & ESA : Riccardo Sturla Avogadri
360 minutes of ground school using 360 slides and more than 1000 pictures. Open to any age.
cap.1: Biology of Sharks (120 minutes) - 90 slides
cap.2: Classification and differences between sharks and other animals (120 minutes) - 160 slides
cap.3: Shark dive technique (120 minutes) - 110 slides
At the end of the training you will receive the Shark Expert SA Diploma and Shark Expert SA specialy ESA (European Scuba Agency)
Included: 360 minutes ground class, Conoscere gli squali/Shark Awareness .pdf book "ITA or ENG" , Diploma and Specialty
The Online course will be thru the ZOOM platform - joint a meeting ID + password
For info send one email to: